Weird Era
Your Hosts
Sruti Islam
Sruti Islam has hosted 63 episodes.
Sruti Islam is a reader, and sometimes writer.
She has over five years of experience working in publishing—formerly a book publicist for Drawn and Quarterly, Anteism, and Metatron Press.
She currently runs a book newsletter in partnership with Librairie St-Henri Books: Weird Era, where she also serves as the Events Coordinator.
She is a libra.
Alex Nierenhausen
Alex Nierenhausen has hosted 45 episodes.
Alex Nierenhausen is a born and raised Montrealer, and has been managing and directing Librairie St-Henri Books since its inception in 2017. He is a curator of literature and an avid reader, with a particular fondness for science fiction and queer lit.
Chat with Alex via the St-Henri Books instagram DMs for recommendations!